I once said to someone that I'd know that I was comfortably off if I could go into Valvona and Crolla on Elm Row in Edinburgh and not have to worry about what anything cost - ahhh - an Epicurean world to which to aspire.
Anyway - still a long way off there!!! The nearest I can get is the once in a while panini.
Working in Leith I occasionally visit Ocean Terminal and head to the delicatessen that is Baxter's. I always wonder who the customer base is - it has things of interest: a fine range of booze, chocolates and ranges of Scottish and Baxter's products....but hardly VFM. Maybe it's the Britannia crowd??
The best I can usually do is to visit the reduced table - which becomes better stocked as the month goes on with the short dated products. So for example, on Wednesday I managed to get a whole Selkirk Bannock for 50p which was fine to the end of the month. Very satisfying with a cup of tea on Saturday. There was also other items such as cinder toffee and various sauces reduced. If you are relaxed by best before dates they are a good way of getting some very pleasant things you wouldn't normally afford.
Seems I have become such a regular that my partner has given me superhero powers - calling me Bargain Baxter Man. A former colleague who is much less relaxed about before dates was christened Full Price Friend.... the Batman and Robin of Scranner city.
See you there at the end of November.
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